Show Us Your Mugshot for a Chance to Win Free Coffee for 6 Months
It’s time to celebrate your mugshot. And no, we don’t mean that driver’s license photo, either!
This summer, we want to see what adventures you bring our Classic Camping Mug on. Snap a shot as you explore the elements and capture your own pioneering spirit. Whether it’s a day on a remote west coast island, at the beach, in the mountains, the urban jungle, on ground, mid-air, or anywhere in between – we want to see your mugshot.
Here’s how it works:
- Purchase a Salt Spring Coffee Classic Camping Mug, either online or in one of our two cafes
- Go on an adventure, and don’t forget your Classic Camping Mug
- When that picture perfect moment arises, capture it with your phone or camera
- Upload picture to Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #sscmugshot
Salt Spring Coffee will be on the lookout for mugshots, and will like your image on Instagram, pin it on our Pinterest board or share it on our Facebook page.
At the end of the summer you’ll be entered into a draw to win a free 6 month coffee subscription. With a subscription, you’ll get freshly roasted organic, Fair to Farmer coffee delivered right to your door every two weeks.
PLUS: we’ll also be rewarding people who participate along the way with coffee prizes, cool gear and other giveaways.
Cheers to a happy and healthy mugshot!