The Camper's Guide to Coffee
Whether you’re “roughing it” in the rugged backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or spending time with family and friends in a well-appointed provincial park campsite, it’s your natural-born right to a fantastic cup of coffee. Campers, here’s everything you need to know, and bring, to brew a fabulous cup of coffee during your next camping trip.
Some general tips:
- The compact size of the Hario Skerton Hand Grinder makes it ideal for both home and travel, and for ensuring a consistent grind every time.
- We recommend grinding your coffee right before you brew it, but if you must pre-grind, be sure to store your grounds in an airtight metal or glass jar, in a cool place.
- Ensure that you boil your water thoroughly before using it to brew your coffee.
- Warm up your camping mug with hot water before pouring your coffee into it. We love the charming retro look of our new Classic Camping Mugs.
If you’re a minimalist backpacker…
- Try our spin on Turkish coffee. The key to this method is to grind your coffee as finely as possible, to a powder-like consistency (you can adjust your hand grinder to the appropriate setting).
- Use a medium roast coffee, such as our La Labor or Peru. When you brew coffee in boiling water, it allows for a higher extraction, and therefore a richer, darker coffee, which is why a medium roast is ideal for this brew method.
- Measure out 2 heaping teaspoons of ground coffee for each 12 oz cup of coffee you make. Using your Classic Camping Mug (or any other 12 oz mug), measure out water and pour into pot. Bring water to a rolling boil and remove immediately from heat. If you enjoy a sweet flavour in your coffee, you can add organic cane sugar, honey or other natural sweeteners, to taste, while the water is still in the pot. Stir.
- Pour water into mug and let stand for approximately 5 mins (allowing grinds to settle to bottom of mug). Enjoy immediately.
If you’re bringing the car and/or family…
- Try using a French Press (Chambord or Columbia). A medium-coarse grind works best with the French Press (you can adjust your hand grinder to the appropriate setting).
- The fuller body of medium to dark roasted coffee is best highlighted in a French Press. Our recommendations? Try our Blue Heron if your preference is medium-dark, Sumatra if you prefer dark, and for the darkest and boldest, try our French Roast.
- To brew: boil 16oz. of fresh water and let it stand while you grind your beans to a medium-coarse consistency. Use approximately 2 heaping tablespoons of ground coffee, and place grounds in French Press. Top with water. Stir and steep for approximately 3 and a half minutes, and then plunge. Enjoy immediately.